Sunday, August 7, 2011

Did You know the Adverage Horse Needs:

Part of  Paws Ranch Equine Rescues mission is to ensure that each horse is physically and spiritually healed and placed in a safe, healthy environment where they can continue to develop, thrive and perhaps even trust again.

Contributors to the Sponsor a Horse program help accomplish this by providing the funding that goes toward basic care of the horses at PRERI.

We thought it might be interesting to answer these questions by showing actual examples of the care that the Sponsor A Horse Program makes possible.

Did You know the Average Horse Needs

Staff and volunteers provide daily care.

Pine Bedding $60.00 per month
Hay $100.00 per month

Grain $50.00 per month
Hooves trimmed every 4-8 wks? hoof trim $30.00 shoes; $85.00-120.00
Dental checks and floating 1–2 times a year? dental check $80.00

Deworming every 6–8 weeks (and we need to change the drugs o they don’t develop an immunity to it)
worming $8.00 to $12.00

Tetanus, Rabies, Potomac Horse Fever, West Nile Virus, Flu, & Rhino vaccinations each year
Flu / Rhino Vaccination $20.00

10–20 gallons water per day
Vet visit $60.00 + Treatment
Emergency vet visit $110+Treatment
Basic first aid kit $75.00
$3500 or more for total annual maintenance
Maintaining the safety and well-being or our horses, priceless!

In 2010 - 2011 we’ve maintained an average of 30+ horses a month. We hope to increase the funds received through Sponsor A Horse so we can adequately cover these costs.
Making sure our horses well cared for is extremely important. Our horses and  pasture mates can thank a lot of people for their help and their contributions. .

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