Friday, December 27, 2013

UPDATE: Horse Rescue Burglarized - WLOS News13 - Top Stories

UPDATE: Horse Rescue Burglarized - WLOS News13 - Top Stories   The generous offer to match any donations to Paws Ranch up to $6000 is getting close to our goal. So far we have matched $4750.00 in donations and need less than $1500.00 to meet the matched funds goal...... Thank you to all that have donated... Donations are Tax Deductable

UPDATE: Horse Rescue Burglarized - WLOS News13 - Top Stories

UPDATE: Horse Rescue Burglarized - WLOS News13 - Top Stories Help us match $6000.00 donation. We have reached $4690.00. All donations are Tax Deductible IRS 27-1964906. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Just $5.00 will help us reach our matching goal.Thank you to all that donate. For more information call 800.580-6504 or donate at 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

UPDATE: Horse Rescue Burglarized - WLOS News13 - Top Stories

UPDATE: Horse Rescue Burglarized - WLOS News13 - Top Stories We received a true blessing on Christmas! Help us match funds to replace our saddles, bits and tack. Just five dollars will help us reach our goal. The most remarkable phone call, has been from Atlanta businessman Jack Tarver. He and his fiance saw the story while on vacation in Highlands, N.C. and knew they wanted to help. He and his family help fun a foundation and have offered to match any donations to Paws Ranch up to $6000. "My experience has been the more things you do, the more things come back to you," said Tarver on Christmas Day. "I'm glad we're in a position to be of some help."  go to and click the donate button on out home page.

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Monday, December 23, 2013

Horse Rescue Burglarized - WLOS News13 - Top Stories

Horse Rescue Burglarized - WLOS News13 - Top StoriesBig set back for Paws Ranch Equine Rescue rescue especially during the Holidays. If you can help please call 828-447-5899 or 800-580-6504. We need English and Western saddles, bridles, reins, feed and additional hay for the hay bank due to flooding.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

GuideStar Exchange Reports for PAWS RANCH EQUINE RESCUE

Help our horses for the Holidays. Give through GuideStar. All donations go to rehabilitation of the horses! Just $1.00 adds up to feed, vaccinate, give dental care, farrier care and veterinary care. Your Donation is much appreciated. Be sure to check your charieties on Guidestar. Check us out at . GuideStar Exchange Reports for PAWS RANCH EQUINE RESCUE